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If you'd be interested in SilverBlood producing some bespoke work for you, fill in the request form below.


I love writing and creating worlds in the mind. Don't be shy, I'm not phased easily. Bonus points if it involves a fandom I personally subscribe to.

£0.04 per word
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Time to get a pre-purchase sample:
Less Than 6 Hours
Time to get completed manuscript per 500 words:
Less Than 6 Hours

"I'm home!" I call walking through the door, though I'm sure the rattle of the keys in the lock has already tipped him off. I hear a 'yip' at the far end of the apartment, and manic thumping before he appears rushing through the doorway of the bedroom. He's gotten so good at moving on all fours. He rushes straight to me, a smile on his face and yipping all the while. Finally, he stops just before me, raring up on his knees with his front hands- paws- up to his chest. "Did you miss mommy?"

Your Request

1000 Words is equivalent to approximately two pages.
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